List of Guarantees


We guarantee originality in our research consulting services. Our consultants are experts in their area of expertise and are trained to offer only original consulting services. It is our guarantee that we will not offer any copied idea, topic or consultation to our clients.

Timely Work Completion

Our service process is designed through the online collaborative platform Rapid Collaborate. Through this platform we keep track of each and every project and ensure that it is completed within the committed timeline. Our record since 2012 for completion of projects on-time stands at 98.67%.

Genuine Citations Used

We have access to leading academic online libraries and journal subscriptions including Elsevier, Sage, IEEE, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis, Emerald and Springer. For reference purposes, we use only original citations and can provide the full pdf version of the reference used on demand.

Query Resolution

We ensure that our clients really benefit from our service and hence allow them to ask questions about the consulting offered. This is possible through the platform Rapid Collaborate and all queries pertaining to work are replied to by the consultants at no extra cost. Do however note that we do not offer training on any software or tools used.

Data Security and Confidentiality

All documents, data or formulas which you share with us during the course of our consulting services remain secure and confidential. They are not resold or shared with anyone for any commercial or non-commercial use. We maintain security of your documents through letting the consultants work on secured encrypted servers and disabling them to download the files. Furthermore, your details remain confidential as your name and contact details are not shared with the consultants. Do also note that we delete all documents of a project after 90 days of the date of project completion.