Topic Consultation Service for PhD Researchers

The most challenging task for researchers attempting research work for the first time is the selection of the appropriate topic in line with the area of your research. Our experts help you choose a relevant topic from your area of research.

Topic trends

Our experts have a thorough knowledge of assessing journals published in a wide range of subjects. It enables them to suggest the key topics in trend about your chosen field of research. Our experts hence suggest the topics which add value to the field of knowledge.


We ensure that the topic that we suggest to the scholars is viable to proceed over a longer duration. Scholars often end up dropping their research due to the selection of unworkable topics. We assess the viability in terms of literature review, time allocation, and expected expenses.

Express Service

We also provide express services to scholars who require topic selection in a day or two. We ensure fast track mode, and our experts handhold you through the entire process. Our experts deliver the highest quality in the given time to support topic selection for you.

Finalize Topic

Our experts try to match the proposed topics per your area of interest. The topic is finalized after a thorough discussion with scholars based on the workability of the topic and selected, post the final review.

Service Details For PhD Topic Selection

We provide PhD topic consulting services along with problem statement identification to scholars globally. Our experts ensure that the topic is viable in terms of your chosen subject area. Besides, we also ensure that at all times, the work delivered by us is ethical in line with your University standards.

The key idea we keep in mind is to ensure the topic is interesting for the scholar. We understand that you will spend a majority of time deep dive and research on the chosen topic. The topic should also be significant for future research, to engage the readers and evaluators.

Our Service Features

Viability assessed and assured for PhD topics
We help you select a research topic post long term viability assessment.
Research gap to support topic choice
Our experts solve your problem 8*5
Working closely throughout the research process
We work at all steps of your research work to support you closely.